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Visites 360° panoramiques

Abbaye Saint-Maurice de Blasimon

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Écomusée du Perche

Histoire et contexte du projet  En savoir plus sur l’histoire du prieuré. Les objectifs fixés : Améliorer l’accessibilité PMR par le biais d’une application de visite virtuelle Faciliter la médiation culturelle à distance avec les groupes scolaires Visite 360° Nous avons développé une visite virtuelle 360° du musée et du…

Château de La Trave

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Château de Budos

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Château et Tour de Montaigne

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Valmagne

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Château de Montastruc

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Château de Sainte-Foy d’Anthé

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Chapelle du château des Milandes

A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft, set in the heart of rural Cheshire. A full refurbishment of this luxurious and elegant late arts and crafts style family home in excess of 10,000 sq ft.

Château de Peyrepertuse

Histoire et contexte du projet  Le château de Peyrepertuse, vaisseau amiral des citadelles du vertige et des monuments du Pays Cathare, souhaitait se développer et moderniser son image. En savoir plus sur l’histoire du site. Les objectifs clefs du projet : Améliorer l’accessibilité Handicapés Moderniser l’image du site auprès des…

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